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Gootz's Wrestling Pod

Jan 29, 2022

We enter the prequel era with first time guest Drew Beekler as we discuss one of the most infamous films of all time: Phantom Menace! What works what dosent and why after all these years we STILL hate Jar Jar Binks!

Follow Drew at: @drucomedy

Follow Gootz: @raygootz

Follow the pod: @gootzsdisneypod

Jan 21, 2022

In 1985 Star Wars finally crashed and burned with the Battle For Endor as it's final film for almost 15 years. Is this the stinker everyone says it is? Jonathan Randall returns to the show to talk about The Ewok's greatest and final battle!

Follow Jonathan on IG: @jonathanrandall

Follow Gootz: @raygootz

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Jan 14, 2022

The first trilogy ended with a Return of the Jedi but was that ending a bang or a whimper? Leah Bonnema joins the show to talk about Returns and how this film affected her childhood!

Follow Leah on IG: @leahbonnema

Follow Gootz: @raygootz

Follow the pod on ig: @gootzsdisneypod

Jan 7, 2022

Back in 80s we were so excited to see a new star wars film on network TV...and it was this shit. Dan Barry returns to give this turkey the trashing it deserves!

Follow Dan on twitter: @thedanbarry

Follow Gootz on ig and twitter: @raygootz

Follow the pod: @gootzsdisneypod