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Gootz's Wrestling Pod

Jan 27, 2023

In 1985 Vince held the first and ONLY Wrestling Classic. Watching the show i's easy to see why! A mess that buries all the stars of WWE's Federation years. Check out Andrew Lee and Me's review!

Jan 20, 2023

The podcast reaches 1985 as we discuss Wrestlemania 1. On this episode we discuss why it worked so well and how when you compare this to Starrcade 83 and 84 it's no wonder Vince won in the end. 

Hulk Hogan and Mr. T vs Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorf

Andre the Giant vs. Big John Studd!

It's all here as Andrew and I go back...

Jan 13, 2023

While Vinnie Mac wrecks havoc in 2023 we go back 39 years to Starrcade 84 and revisit Dusty Rhodes vs Ric Flair Tully Blanchard vs Ricky Steamboat Wahoo McDaniel vs Superstar Billy Graham and more! It's a weird shitty show and Andrew Lee and Gootz break it all down!

Jan 6, 2023

It's the relaunch! The disney pod is now the wrestling pod and we are kicking it off with the fitst major PPV/Closed circut TV show Starrcade 83! It's a flare for gold but 4 years later is it still good? Andrew lee and Ray Gootz break it down!