Oct 29, 2021
Andrew Garfield's adventures comes to a close in the strangest Spider-Man films yet.....Amazing Spider-man 2. A lousy and weird film and Darin Patterson joins me in tearing it a new one!
Follow Darin on twitter: @darincredible
Follow Ray Gootz on IG and Twitter: @raygootz
Follow the pod on IG: @gootzsdisneypod
Oct 22, 2021
In 2012 Sony remade Spiderman...and no one cared. Nick and I debate the merits of this film Andrew Garfield vs. Tobey Gwen vs. Mary Jane. Our predictions for No Way Home and Eternals. The spidey countdown continues!
Follow Nick on twitter: @nickofcomedy
Follow Gootz on twitter: @raygootz
Follow the pod on IG:...
Oct 15, 2021
Holy crap this film has not aged well. Andrew Lee makes his Gootz's Disney Pod debut to destroy Spiderman 3.
If anyone ever trashes Tom Hardy again show them this.
Follow Andrew on IG: @andrewsonoflee
Follow the pod: @gootzsdisneypod
Follow Gootz: @gootzsdisneypod
Oct 8, 2021
Kyle Lewis joins the countdown to no way home as we look back at Spidey's most beloved film: Spiderman 2. Why is it so loved and how will it tie into the MCU? Kyle and I are on the case!
Follow Kyle: @keepitfivestars
Follow Gootz: @raygootz
Follow the pod: @gootzsdisneypod
Oct 1, 2021
It's Tobey time on our countdown to No Way Home as Christina Galston returns to talk Spiderman from 2002. We break this movie down and explain how cray Mary Jane is in this film. PLUS what happened to James Franco? It's all discussed here.
Follow Christina on IG: @freakinjewrican
Follow Gootz: @raygootz
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